When you start making positive impacts you begin to attract positive situations, positive people, and positive opportunities. People will starts to connect with you from different angle. It's like a thousand hands show up to help you, making your life better and more rewarding on a daily basis.
It has been said times without numbers that first impressions matter. Indeed, the academics and psychologists who study this kind of stuff, say that people take about a half a second to make up their minds on either to meet someone or not. You may call it a quick judgement, well I believe it's more about the impact you make, and whether it's the one you want to make.
Making an immediate positive impression on others is essential for success both individually and in Business. How you come across has a big impact on how well you do in life and in business. You cannot ignore the fact that people are more likely to want to connect with or do business with those who are self-aware, comfortable in their own skin and confident with who they are.
You don't have to wait for avenue to make a big impact, make a small impact and build from there; you don't have to give somebody money, or gold especially if you can't afford it, give your time, your understanding, your knowledge this will go a very long way.
Ways on how you can create a positive impact
Learn to praise people: -
With my experience in different industries over the years, I have got to understand that there is power behind praise; do not underestimate the power of praise.
Praise is a strong motivational factor for a number of reasons. People like to feel that their hard work is not only being noticed, but appreciated as well. Knowing that they are doing their jobs well is better motivation to keep up the good work. So take the time to make a positive impact on your employees daily by praising them for the work they do, for their team spirit, good attitude, or anything else that helps contribute to the office. Praise in public as well as private. Set the example.
The example you set in the office will have a ripple effect on your employees whether positive or negative. You can make a positive impact daily by remaining in a good mood and keeping a positive, optimistic outlook at all times. Don't blame others or complain about things you don't have any control over, and don't be vocal about your gripes or annoyances. This kind of attitude and example will spread to your employees and soon create a negative atmosphere in the office.
Say out loudly what you have in mind
Most people have the fears of speaking their thoughts out, some could be as a result of been shy, Speaking out loud prevent us from trying, much less, doing what we've wanted to do. Sometimes, all it takes to initiate a positive social change is to voice out our opinions.
If you feel you have something to say to friends, families or maybe the people in your office then go ahead and do so why wait; with increase in technology, social networking sites has made communication easy and convenient. You can write what you want to say in your blog or social networking site, eg; Facebook, Twitters or in any other online medium. You can also write an article and submit it to your local paper.
If you're worried about your writing skills, don't be. In the end, it's the content that ultimately matters. If you write with all your heart then it's sure to come out good. But then again, you can also ask help from loved ones and have them critique your work before you start sharing them with others.
Develop a good rapport with people around you: -
This can be achieved by have a good communication with people around you. Relates with them freely see everyone as important as you see yourself. In the office place, recognize your staffs as part of the business, let them know they are as important as yourself and their full commitment will be highly appreciated. Give them the chance to walk into your office to discuss issues both business wise and personal life with you, have a listening ear. Do not rely on emails and phone calls alone when dealing with your customers and your staffs, try as much as possible to initiate face to face communication; this goes a long way and it as more positive impact.
Giving a helping hand:
You don’t need to make it BIG before you can help someone in need. A little help can save a life, give your time, share your knowledge, learn to see other needs as important as your own needs. For instants, give somebody a hand with their shopping bags at the mall, open a door for somebody who has their hands full, Listen to your son/daughter the next time they talk to you, all these look so simple but it goes a very long way in the heart of whoever you are helping at that point.
Lastly; next time you run into an old friend or come across somebody who may need a helping hand, take the time to have a positive impact, give from your heart, knowing you will be saving somebody else and creating positive situations in your life.
These are just a few of many ways you create a daily positive impact throughout your office and with your employees. Continuing to do so will make your office a better, more productive place to work for all employees.
There is no better time than now, start making a positive impact today. Be the person who makes a difference in people's lives.
All the best!!!!!
Quotes for the Day
Instead of counting your days, while not make your days count- Oluwabamidele
If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. ~Betty Reese
My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat. ~Leo Tolstoy
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. ~Saint Augustine
If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo,
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