Sunday, July 18, 2010

Building a wonderful life for yourself

1. Positive Attitude

Like the saying goes, positive thinking develop positive attitude, Your attitude to your life can have a massive impact on you. For instants if you decided to chose two days out of a week. On the first day, you lived life from a positive prospective. You smiled and laughed through the day, no matter what the world has in store for you and you looked for the positive in everything. I assured you by the end of the day, you would have enjoyed a wonderful day. And also you would have had a massive impact on your environment and the people you came into contact with.

Now, what would happen if on the second day you chose to be negative? Imagine what it would be like. You can’t see the good in anything. The world is not a nice place to live. You see everyone around you as been a problem to you. It is believe that one can choose his or her attitude every minute of the day. This is fantastic; right at least you have a say in whatever way you want to live your life.
Base on this, I can’t really see why you would want to choose a negative attitude, as it does not benefit you or the people around you. Therefore it makes sense to choose a positive one. Believe me you will have more fun, be more popular and see life has the best place to live.

If you are unsure how to start out positively, then keep your focus at the start on people. Really see them as fellow human beings who are doing their best to live their lives. Imagine how a smile, a warm greeting and an unexpected compliment could make their day

2. Educate yourself

Education is considered one of the best gifts one can ever give to him/herself. Our brain is magnificent. It can do so many things. So why not pay more attention to how you treat it and look after it. Look at feeding and nourishing your brain with useful material, read books and materials that will give positive impact to your life, Choose the material that you look to fill your brain with carefully.
As the days goes bye; look at the information you choose to think about and to focus on as tools to help you on your journey. Some items may cheer you up, make you laugh and smile. Other items may help you overcome obstacles and get you out of ruts. Some items will help you soar like an eagle. There are so many books written by professionals from various times, if you are the type that find it difficult in reading, try as much as possible to put sometime aside each week to read, even if it is an article, a comment or a book. You could also look at getting some of the books on cassette or CD so you can play them in the car, download them into your MP3 players or when you are relaxing at home.

The important part is keeping an open mind and searching for fresh ideas and perspectives.
Education builds over time. It might feel like the bits of wisdom you acquire don’t mean much, but over the years they add up to form a wiser, kinder, more interesting person.

3. Build your friendship network

Friendships are considered very crucial in our lives, the friends you choose might ether make you or destroy you. It’s great having friends. They are an intricate part of our lives. We have a need to share ourselves with someone who cares to listen to us.
There are the true close friends who will always support us. Sometimes when we do stupid things or make silly mistakes. They are there to encourage us to get up off the floor and dust ourselves down and keep going.

The great thing is that they look at us and see all the good things that we can be when we are at our best and at the same time they are normally very good at forgiving us when we fall short of what we could be.

The so many social networking sites around now, it is easy to have access to thousands of friends by the click of your mouse, but at the same time, one should be very careful in choosing who and who to add as friends, for me when I meet someone new, I try as much as possible to find something that interests me about my new friend, this could comes in different forms, maybe the way, they speaks, their thinking skills e.t.c. while choosing your friends don’t forget your families also, contact them as possible as you can, appreciates them by telling them, how wonderful they are. Taking the time to cultivate and enjoy personal relationships is essential to long-term happiness. Without the people you care about you’ll probably be miserable, no matter how successful you become.

4. Goals

This is considered a very important step in life, writing down your goals and then reviewing them on a regular basis can make a major difference to your life. The review of your written goals is very important, as you need to keep yourself focused on what you want to achieve and it also helps to have some way of measuring whether you are making progress. Look at your life now. Are you drifting along, living each day but with no real target about where you want to go?
Goals should be in different stages, short term goals, long term goals, mostly as human, we are more focused on where we are going for vacation on our next holiday or the best designer clothes we wants to buy for the coming New year, rather thinking of what can be done to make impact in our lives. Time is ticking away. You can’t buy time; all you can do is look at how you spend it. With a goal written down, you are telling your brain that there’s something that you want to accomplish.

Get a piece of paper now and write down 5 goals you’d like to achieve (remember to shoot for the stars on one of them). Then have some fun with each goal. Imagine backwards from achieving the goal how you got there.
For example, if it was a new car you wanted, the step before you bought it may be selecting where you were going to buy it, the brand you come across with before you finally choose what you buy.

You should end up with a set of events leading back from achieving your target (it’s normally easier to work back from a goal, than it is to work forward to it when you want to look at what steps are involved in achieving your goal). Have a think about who might be able to support you achieving this goal. This could be your parents, family member, best friends, partners e.t.c. choose someone who is positive (after all you want someone who’s going to cheer you on, not pour cold water over everything). It’s easier to have a team of supporters cheering you on than it is to try and take on the whole thing yourself.

Look at your goal events list and pick one action that will move you nearer to your goal and go and do it (may be worth starting off with some of the easier ones, as they normally take less time and they can help in building your confidence.

Here are some meaningful Life Quotes, as you mediate on them, hopefully you have reasons to build on your daily life.

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"
- Sydney J. Harris

Your life feels different on you, once you greet death and understand your heart's position. You wear your life like a garment from the mission bundle sale ever after -- lightly because you realize you never paid nothing for it, cherishing because you know you won't ever come by such a bargain again.
- Louise Erdrich

It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Without some goal and some effort to reach it, no one can live.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I am on the side of the unregenerate who affirm the worth of life as an end in itself, as against the saints who deny it.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

There is no short cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation -- veneer isn't worth anything.
- George Washington Carver

You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering.
- Henri-Frederic Amiel